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Prioritățile școlare

Aici, la Brampton Cortonwood Infant School, ne străduim mereu să ne îmbunătățim. La această pagină este atașat un document care evidențiază prioritățile noastre inițiale de îmbunătățire în pregătirea pentru începutul anului 2021-2022.

Pentru mai multe detalii, vă rugăm să contactați direct școala

01226 340044.

The Quality of Education

To refine our curriculum offer to ensure that it is broad and balanced to best meet the needs of the children by:


  • Embed catch-up strategies for bottom 20% readers.

  • Embed the place of poetry within the English curriculum.

  • Embed the oracy progression model across school with specific focus on PP boys.


  • To refine opportunities within the maths progression model to include reasoning and problem-solving prompts.

Wider Curriculum:

  • To refine the skills and knowledge taught to pupils in ‘the Arts’ (Art, DT and Music) through wider visitors and experiences and develop stronger curriculum links with our Charanga music programme.

  • To refine the use of explicit investigations, experiments and experiences in Science.

  • To embed our Forest School ‘progression of skills’ through class/whole-school projects.

  • To embed retrieval practice in line with assessment documents for Foundation subjects.


  • To ensure effective implementation of support plans

  • Children to receive effective SEND support through early identification of need

Behaviour and Attitudes


  • Embed use of behaviour RUBRICs to set clear expectations of pupils and staff


  • To ensure all children have high attendance and are punctual each day through clearly established routines

Personal Development

Houses and House Captains

  • To promote a sense of belonging and teamwork through the development of school houses

Experience and Aspirations

  • To develop ‘experience passports’ for pupils to record significant events that occur within our curriculum and foster a sense of aspiration for their future.

Leadership and Management

  • Leaders to refine clear roles and responsibilities and hold people to account

  • Forge effective links with feeder school to align procedures and enhance transition

  • Embed an ethos that focuses on wellbeing and good mental health.

Early Years Provision

  • F1 phonics supports speech, language and early reading.

  • To increase the direct teaching of writing in F2, with a particular focus on boys.

  • Enhance F1 lesson structure/weekly planning to incorporate am, pm, and 30-hour children

  • Vocabulary and print leads to high quality interactions.

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