Our school recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils. We will endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We will be alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and will follow procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
At Brampton Cortonwood we will ensure that:
all reasonable measures are taken to minimise the risks of harm to children’s welfare
all appropriate actions are taken to address concerns about the welfare of a child by working in partnership with other local agencies
we create an atmosphere where all our children feel secure, valued and listened to
all staff recognise signs and symptoms of abuse, and respond quickly and effectively
we monitor and support children at risk
the curriculum is used effectively to raise children’s awareness, build confidence and skills
we work in partnership with parent/carers and support external agencies
all adults within our school/service who have access to children have been checked as to their suitability
Our Designated Safeguard Lead is Mr S Dyson (with Mrs Preece and Mrs Levitt in his absence); child protection issues are his responsibility in school. Both 'Working Together to Safeguard Children (July 2018)' and 'Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2020)' require that all schools have a Designated Safeguard Lead in place to deal with child protection concerns and in Mr Dyson's absence, Mrs Levitt (Early Years Lead) or Mrs Preece (HLTA) will always available.
If you have any concerns about the welfare or safety of children outside of school hours, please use the links below for further information.
Mrs Preece
Deputy DSL
Mr Dyson
Deputy DSL
(DSL Lead)
Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Emily Nutley.
Mrs Levitt
Deputy DSL
Operation Encompass
Brampton Cortonwood Infant School is now participating in Operation Encompass, a safeguarding team consisting of Rotherham Police Force and schools. Through Operation Encompass a trained key adult (Mr Dyson) will be notified prior to the next school day, that a child has experienced or maybe affected by an incident of Domestic Abuse that the police have attended.
This allows the school to be proactive in caring for, nurturing, assisting and safeguarding the child. The report is confidential and only the safeguarding staff in school will have the information.
Please access more information about safeguarding and the NSPCC here.
Lockdown Drills
Lockdown drills are statutory requirement that we have to do on an annual basis.
During a lockdown, staff members will keep pupils indoors for a period of time, away from outdoor areas, open spaces or corridors. The drill will be timed to ensure it causes the least possible disruption to pupils’ learning, whilst fully testing the lockdown procedure.
It is essential we carry out this drill, so that, in the case of a real emergency situation, staff are fully rehearsed in their responsibilities and duties, and to identify any potential areas for improvement.
Staff members will be instructed to remain calm at all times, so that pupils do not become distressed. The drill process will be explained to pupils beforehand by reading them the story ‘Moggy’s Coming’. We hope the lockdown procedure will never have to be exercised in genuine circumstances, but we must ensure that we are fully prepared for all situations.
This story is read to the children in school to help them understand about why we might need to lockdown and what we do.