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Forest School

All children that attend our school have access to our Forest School and the Forest School ethos is now deeply embedded in our curriculum. 


The children and staff worked hard with 'The Foresteers' to develop a previously underused area into a fantastic new Forest School area. We officially opened this area in January 2019 with two fun days where the children worked with 'The Foresteers' to explore the Forest School, finishing each session with a toasted marshmallow around the camp fire. 


What is Forest School?

Forest School originates from a Scandinavian concept where children use woodland to explore, investigate, take risks and learn collaboratively, with nature at the heart of all they do. In the UK this is called ‘Forest School’. Within Forest Schools children have ownership of their own learning and choose the direction that they take without the constraints of a table and chair. The adults will be there to facilitate and support the children but will very much take a back seat from the usual position of leading learning. Child initiated learning is encouraged in our Forest School.


How will Forest School benefit my child?

When children access a Forest School regularly and over an extended period of time, it can have the following impact:

  • Increased self-esteem and self confidence

  • Improved co-operation, communication skills and awareness of others

  • Increased motivation, concentration and positive attitude towards learning

  • Encourage ownership and pride in the local environment

  • Encourage a better understanding of the outdoors

  • Improved social skills

  • Improved physical motor skills

  • Encourage individuals to become more active and healthy


What will my child need?

The Forest School ethos is that children will go outdoors whatever the weather (except very high winds) so they will need clothes that are suitable for the weather at any particular time of year. As the weather begins to turn cold, this can include as many layers as you see fit.


Please provide the following for your child when they have their Forest School sessions:

  • Pair of wellington boots

  • Long sleeved top (jumpers in cold weather)

  • Pair of jogging bottoms

  • Waterproof coat in wet weather (all in one suits are perfect but not essential)

  • Children can come to school dressed in their Forest School clothes on their timetabled day and they will need their school clothes in a bag to put on after. 

If you have any questions regarding Forest School then please see your child's class teacher or contact Mrs Steeple (Forest School Leader) on 01226 340044.


Forest School growth

September 2019 saw us open up our second Forest School area, on the school field. This area provides different options for children than in the quad - there is no mud kitchen, no chickens, no seating area but instead there is the option for tree climbing, tool use, vegetable and plant growing and much more! The top of the field is cordoned off so the area stays in its best possible condition for longer and the children are already enjoying being up there! We have already had classes make dream catchers, make kites, build willow dens, make magic wands and much more!

Our Forest School document provides a progressive overview of key skills and knowledge taught by the end of EYFS and end of Key Stage 1.

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